

updateParamUI(effect: PropertyGroup): void;

対象のエフェクトに対して、 PF_Cmd_UPDATE_PARAMS_UI コマンドを発火させる。パラメータの値によって表示、非表示が変わるようなエフェクトに対して実行することで、UIの再描写を促すことが出来る。


  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript
const comp = Atarabi.comp.getMostRecentlyUsedComp();
if (comp) {
    const properties = comp.selectedProperties;
    for (const property of properties) {
        if (property instanceof PropertyGroup && property.isEffect) {
var comp = Atarabi.comp.getMostRecentlyUsedComp();
if (comp) {
    var properties = comp.selectedProperties;
    for (var _i = 0, properties_1 = properties; _i < properties_1.length; _i++) {
        var property = properties_1[_i];
        if (property instanceof PropertyGroup && property.isEffect) {

Effect['ADBE CurvesCustom'].getCurvesValue()

getCurvesValue(curvesProperty: Property, options?: { time?: number; preExpression?: boolean; }): Curves.CurvesValue;


  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript
(() => {
    const comp = Atarabi.comp.getMostRecentlyUsedComp();
    if (comp) {
        const properties = comp.selectedProperties;
        for (const property of properties) {
            if (property.matchName === 'ADBE CurvesCustom-0001') {
                const value = Atarabi.effect['ADBE CurvesCustom'].getCurvesValue(property as Property);
                alert(Atarabi.JSON.stringify(value, undefined, 2));
(function () {
    var comp = Atarabi.comp.getMostRecentlyUsedComp();
    if (comp) {
        var properties = comp.selectedProperties;
        for (var _i = 0, properties_2 = properties; _i < properties_2.length; _i++) {
            var property = properties_2[_i];
            if (property.matchName === 'ADBE CurvesCustom-0001') {
                var value = Atarabi.effect['ADBE CurvesCustom'].getCurvesValue(property);
                alert(Atarabi.JSON.stringify(value, undefined, 2));

Added in version 0.4.0.

Effect['ADBE CurvesCustom'].setCurvesValue()

setCurvesValue(curvesProperty: Property, value: Curves.ParticalCurvesValue, options?: { time?: number; key?: boolean; }): void;


  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript
(() => {
    const comp = Atarabi.comp.getMostRecentlyUsedComp();
    if (comp) {
        const value: Atarabi.Effect.Curves.ParticalCurvesValue= {
            type: 'curve',
            rgb: [[0, 0], [0.25, 0.15], [0.75, 0.85], [1, 1]],

        const properties = comp.selectedProperties;
        for (const property of properties) {
            if (property.matchName === 'ADBE CurvesCustom-0001') {
                Atarabi.effect['ADBE CurvesCustom'].setCurvesValue(property as Property, value);
(function () {
    var comp = Atarabi.comp.getMostRecentlyUsedComp();
    if (comp) {
        var value = {
            type: 'curve',
            rgb: [[0, 0], [0.25, 0.15], [0.75, 0.85], [1, 1]],
        var properties = comp.selectedProperties;
        for (var _i = 0, properties_3 = properties; _i < properties_3.length; _i++) {
            var property = properties_3[_i];
            if (property.matchName === 'ADBE CurvesCustom-0001') {
                Atarabi.effect['ADBE CurvesCustom'].setCurvesValue(property, value);

Added in version 0.4.0.

Effect['APC Colorama'].getOutputCycleValue()

getOutputCycleValue(outputCycleProperty: Property, options?: { time?: number; preExpression?: boolean; }): Colorama.OutputCycleValue;


  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript
(() => {
    const comp = Atarabi.comp.getMostRecentlyUsedComp();
    if (comp) {
        const properties = comp.selectedProperties;
        for (const property of properties) {
            if (property.matchName === 'APC Colorama-0012') {
                const value = Atarabi.effect['APC Colorama'].getOutputCycleValue(property as Property);
                alert(Atarabi.JSON.stringify(value, undefined, 2));
(function () {
    var comp = Atarabi.comp.getMostRecentlyUsedComp();
    if (comp) {
        var properties = comp.selectedProperties;
        for (var _i = 0, properties_4 = properties; _i < properties_4.length; _i++) {
            var property = properties_4[_i];
            if (property.matchName === 'APC Colorama-0012') {
                var value = Atarabi.effect['APC Colorama'].getOutputCycleValue(property);
                alert(Atarabi.JSON.stringify(value, undefined, 2));

Added in version 0.4.0.

Effect['APC Colorama'].setOutputCycleValue()

setOutputCycleValue(outputCycleProperty: Property, value: Colorama.OutputCycleValue, options?: { time?: number; key?: boolean; }): void;


  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript
(() => {
    const comp = Atarabi.comp.getMostRecentlyUsedComp();
    if (comp) {
        const value: Atarabi.Effect.Colorama.OutputCycleValue = {
            triangles: [],
            selected: 0,

        for (let i = 0; i < 64; ++i) {
            value.triangles.push({ location: i / 63, color: [1, generateRandomNumber(), generateRandomNumber(), 1] });

        const properties = comp.selectedProperties;
        for (const property of properties) {
            if (property.matchName === 'APC Colorama-0012') {
                Atarabi.effect['APC Colorama'].setOutputCycleValue(property as Property, value);
(function () {
    var comp = Atarabi.comp.getMostRecentlyUsedComp();
    if (comp) {
        var value = {
            triangles: [],
            selected: 0,
        for (var i = 0; i < 64; ++i) {
            value.triangles.push({ location: i / 63, color: [1, generateRandomNumber(), generateRandomNumber(), 1] });
        var properties = comp.selectedProperties;
        for (var _i = 0, properties_5 = properties; _i < properties_5.length; _i++) {
            var property = properties_5[_i];
            if (property.matchName === 'APC Colorama-0012') {
                Atarabi.effect['APC Colorama'].setOutputCycleValue(property, value);

Added in version 0.4.0.

Effect['ADBE MESH WARP'].getDistortionMeshValue()

getDistortionMeshValue(distortionMeshProperty: Property, options?: { time?: number; preExpression?: boolean; }): MeshWarp.DistortionMeshValue;


  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript
(() => {
    const comp = Atarabi.comp.getMostRecentlyUsedComp();
    if (comp) {
        const properties = comp.selectedProperties;
        for (const property of properties) {
            if (property.matchName === 'ADBE MESH WARP-0004') {
                const value = Atarabi.effect['ADBE MESH WARP'].getDistortionMeshValue(property as Property);
                alert(Atarabi.JSON.stringify(value, undefined, 2));
(function () {
    var comp = Atarabi.comp.getMostRecentlyUsedComp();
    if (comp) {
        var properties = comp.selectedProperties;
        for (var _i = 0, properties_6 = properties; _i < properties_6.length; _i++) {
            var property = properties_6[_i];
            if (property.matchName === 'ADBE MESH WARP-0004') {
                var value = Atarabi.effect['ADBE MESH WARP'].getDistortionMeshValue(property);
                alert(Atarabi.JSON.stringify(value, undefined, 2));

Added in version 0.5.0.

Effect['ADBE MESH WARP'].setDistortionMeshValue()

setDistortionMeshValue(distortionMeshProperty: Property, value: MeshWarp.DistortionMeshValue, options?: { time?: number; key?: boolean; }): void;


  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript
(() => {
    const rows = 5;
    const columns = 5;
    const value: Atarabi.Effect.MeshWarp.DistortionMeshValue = {
        vertices: [],

    const rand = (from: number, to: number) => from + (to - from) * generateRandomNumber();

    for (let y = 0; y < rows; ++y) {
        for (let x = 0; x < columns; ++x) {
            const pos = [x / (columns - 1), y / (rows - 1)] satisfies [number, number];
                up: [pos[0] + rand(-0.05, 0.05), pos[1] + rand(-0.1, 0)],
                right: [pos[0] + rand(0, 0.1), pos[1] + rand(-0.05, 0.05)],
                down: [pos[0] + rand(-0.05, 0.05), pos[1] + rand(0.0, 0.1)],
                left: [pos[0] + rand(-0.1, 0), pos[1] + rand(-0.05, 0.05)],

    const comp = Atarabi.comp.getMostRecentlyUsedComp();
    if (comp) {
        const properties = comp.selectedProperties;
        for (const property of properties) {
            if (property.matchName === 'ADBE MESH WARP-0004') {
                Atarabi.effect['ADBE MESH WARP'].setDistortionMeshValue(property as Property, value);
(function () {
    var rows = 5;
    var columns = 5;
    var value = {
        rows: rows,
        columns: columns,
        vertices: [],
    var rand = function (from, to) { return from + (to - from) * generateRandomNumber(); };
    for (var y = 0; y < rows; ++y) {
        for (var x = 0; x < columns; ++x) {
            var pos = [x / (columns - 1), y / (rows - 1)];
                pos: pos,
                up: [pos[0] + rand(-0.05, 0.05), pos[1] + rand(-0.1, 0)],
                right: [pos[0] + rand(0, 0.1), pos[1] + rand(-0.05, 0.05)],
                down: [pos[0] + rand(-0.05, 0.05), pos[1] + rand(0.0, 0.1)],
                left: [pos[0] + rand(-0.1, 0), pos[1] + rand(-0.05, 0.05)],
    var comp = Atarabi.comp.getMostRecentlyUsedComp();
    if (comp) {
        var properties = comp.selectedProperties;
        for (var _i = 0, properties_7 = properties; _i < properties_7.length; _i++) {
            var property = properties_7[_i];
            if (property.matchName === 'ADBE MESH WARP-0004') {
                Atarabi.effect['ADBE MESH WARP'].setDistortionMeshValue(property, value);

Added in version 0.5.0.